FROM 49€/ day
Situated in the lush suburban greenery, the Tapa Pihlakodu is operating in the premises of the former Tapa Hospital, an institution with a long history. Part of the building is newly renovated. Here in Tapa one hundred residents are offered general care services and professional nursing care, plus the widest selection of additional services among all the Pihlakodu Homes.
In cooperation with the Tapa Municipal Government we opened a day centre, providing day care for the elderly with dementia and people with memory problems. There is a modern health centre on the same premises with medical staff ready to provide assistance if needed.

Price list
Big House
Place in shared room for three or four | 1480.- |
Place in a twin room |
1580.- |
Place in a single room |
1680.- |
Local Government part – costs related to the care of a person in a month | 1061.- |
Small House
Place in shared room for three or four |
1580.- |
Place in a twin room |
1680.- |
Place in a single room |
1780.- |
Local Government part – costs related to the care of a person in a month | 1061.- |
Services include:
Accommodation, four meals a day, laundry once a week, diapers a day, hygiene products, the possibility to participate in hobby group activities, the person requires daily personal assistance by a carer.
The aim of Pihlakodu is to provide 24-hour care that corresponds to the age and condition of the residents, while supporting independence and offering a variety of activities.
Service includes

Accommodation mainly in shared rooms for two or three persons

Four meals a day, taking into account individual needs

24-hour care

Professional care staff

Preparation of a care plan

Laundering bed linen once a week or as needed

Possibility to consult a nurse

Possibility to participate in hobby group activities for residents with better mobility

Participation in organised events
Specific care needs and cost of the place in care are determined in the course of individual consultations.
Kuidas meie juurde tulla?
Tapa Pihlakodu aadress on Valgejõe pst 14/1, Tapa.
Asume Tapa keskusest 10 minutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusel.
Autoga Tallinnast tuljatele on meie hooldekoduni vähem kui 100 km. Esmalt tuleks sõita mööda Narva maanteed ja siis pöörata ära Tapa-Loobu teele, kus on veel vaja sõita 23,3 km.
Samuti saab tulla rongi või bussiga. Tallinn-Tartu rongiga tulles on peatus "Tapa" ja Tallinn-Narva bussidega nr 746 või 325 saab samuti otse Tapa keskusesse, kust on hooldekodusse 9 minuti tee.